Our Purpose

We are here to glorify God

  • By worshipping in unity and finding our satisfaction in Him

  • By applying God’s Word to our lives and becoming more like Jesus

  • By bringing people to Jesus and into the loving family of the church

  • By developing our gifts and using them with enthusiasm in His service, locally and worldwide

NLCWH Purpose Statement

NLCWH Purpose Statement


Our Core Values


As a church family we will work to create a welcoming environment for all who seek rest, comfort, fulfilment and hope. We will strive to live grace and forgiveness filled lives so that we may find peace, calmness and wellbeing through Him and allow our expression of faith to radiate out to others so that they may experience this for themselves too.


We will act towards family and neighbour, towards those like us and those we may not understand with God-centred love. We will reach out with compassion, gentleness and patience to those who feel lost, abandoned and hopeless to show them the love of Jesus and the love of our church family. Love never fails and through our devotion and grace we will show this to the world.


As a church family we will be united around our mission, working with humility and care to be open to new and better ways that we can do this in an ever- changing world. We will come together in fellowship and be united with each other in our joys and in our pain, in our prayers and in our worship. We will go into the world to find common ground with others that unites us and helps us find the place to start from and build and nurture strong, trusting relationships.


We will come closer to God so that we may better serve Him within the world that we live. Our commitment to serving means that we will act with generosity of spirit towards others, purposefully reaching those in greatest need. To lovingly serve requires sacrifice and we will do this through having faith in God’s provision for us. To be of greatest service to others, we will deny ourselves and take up our cross to follow Jesus Christ – our example of the most perfect servant leader.

NLCWH Core Values

NLCWH Core Values